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 Kristen tro och hbtqia+
i media och samhällsdebatten 

Kristna regnbågsrörelsen - Riksförbundet EKHO

Priceless podcast "I Didn't Leave Church, I Was Forced Out"

Priceless podcast is a video podcast produced by the European Forum Of LGBT Christian Groups. In this episode, we get to know Oliver Jähke, who is active in EKHO.

I must admit that I have a positive prejudice of many developed countries that LGBT+ people have it easy. Talking to people from these countries makes me aware that this isn't true. Oliver tells his story of coming to terms with being trans, about the physical and mental challenges, and about his experience and pain inflicted by the church. Though he already experienced a lot of healing he still fights the inner voices of the past.


Christian rainbow movement
 Riksförbundet EKHO 
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